#8 | Stay Ahead: How Market Research is Revolutionizing the PMO Landscape

In this issue:

"Knowledge is power." In the context of PMOs, this knowledge, derived from cutting-edge market research, can drive success, innovation, and growth. In the dynamic world of project management, staying static is not an option. As the business pace accelerates, PMOs increasingly rely on innovative market research practices to guide their strategies and operations.

The ability to innovate quickly will be a core capability of future PMO’s.

Since we’re on the topic of innovation, did y’all see the TikTok on flying cars? Because I can’t live through any more historic events LOL. Imagine working on that project tho . . . 😍


Yall aint seen shit yet 👀😂 This is just the beginning! THE FUTURE IS NOW!! . . . #Trending #Explore #Fyp

With a shift away from PMOs that are heavy on documentation, scheduling, and 100 different communications plans - the PMO of the future will need to cultivate strong leadership capabilities, strategic thinking, and business acumen. They must focus on the delivery of the expected benefits and their alignment with strategic goals. They will also need a good understanding of the disruption technologies available.

So how are we proactive? How do we anticipate market shifts? How do we know what other PMOs are up to? How often are we doing a SWOT on ourselves?

Market research is one way.

Here are some of my favorite industry journals to stay on top of project management trends:

 PMI Pulse on the Profession - This annual report from PMI delves into global trends in project management, offering insights into success rates, methodologies used, and emerging practices. It's a valuable resource for PMOs looking to benchmark their operations against global standards.

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Project and Portfolio Management: Gartner's research offers insights into the PPM software market, evaluating various tools based on their completeness of vision and ability to execute. For PMOs considering new PPM tools, this is a go-to report. Gartner also has plenty of other market research on strategy execution, planning, organizational agility, & change management.

State of Agile Report: While not exclusively for PMOs, this annual report provides insights into Agile adoption and practices across industries. It's valuable for PMOs transitioning to or refining their Agile methodologies.

The State of Project Management Annual Survey: Conducted by Wellingtone, this survey captures trends, standards, and challenges faced by project management professionals worldwide.

KPMG Project Management Survey: KPMG's regular survey on project management offers insights into the current state of PM practices, challenges, and future trends.

In the ever-evolving landscape of project management, the compass guiding PMOs toward success is undoubtedly market research. It's not just about collecting data, but about deriving actionable insights that shape strategy, drive innovation, and foster adaptability. As organizations navigate the complexities of today's business environment, the depth and breadth of market research become their beacon, illuminating the path forward. By embracing this invaluable tool, PMOs not only anticipate the curves ahead but confidently steer their organizations toward a future marked by informed decisions, strategic foresight, and sustained growth.

What are some of your favorite market research sources for PMO innovation?

Hit reply and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!

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